Live & Lead With Heart

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Podcast by Alexandra Swenson-Ridley

Live & Lead With Heart

Welcome to "Live & Lead with Heart", the podcast where we help entrepreneurs and leaders shift out of your head and connect with the intelligence of your heart. Join us for short, weekly episodes packed with practical insights and inspiring stories designed to ignite your passion, renew your energy, navigate the hard stuff and reconnect you with your purpose. It's time to lead with empathy, cultivate compassion, especially for ourselves, and live with heart. Tune in weekly to transform your leadership journey from the inside out.

Latest episodes

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12 September 2024

Escape the Stress & Anxiety Loop...

In this episode, Dr. Alex explores the importance of bodily awareness and emotional recognition. She reflects on her personal journey with anxiety, revealing how she has become more attuned to the physical sensations associated with it, such as tight shoulders and chest discomfort. Dr. Alex discusses the role of tools like the Oura ring in monitoring stress levels and emphasizes the need for self-check-ins to understand and manage emotions better. The episode encourages listeners to consider their own body awareness and offers insights into developing a deeper connection with their emotions.

Time Stamps:

00:00:35 - Question on Body Awareness

00:01:07 - Personal Experience with Anxiety

00:02:20 - Importance of Emotional Awareness

00:03:14 - Guided Body Scan Exercise

00:05:30 - Breathing and Heart Connection

00:06:24 - Setting Intentions and Gratitude

00:08:05 - Daily Practice and Benefits

00:09:31 - Living and Leading from the Heart

00:10:33 - Personal Progress and Oura Ring Insights

00:11:16 - Newsletter and Substack Invitation

Mentioned in this episode:



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05 September 2024

From Rock Bottom to Radiance-Learning how to Follow your intuition with Andrea Bezak-White

Tune in to this episode where host Alex delves into the power of intuition with HeartMath practitioner, Andrea Bezak-White. Together, they explore the journey of listening to one's inner voice amidst the chaos of everyday life. Discover how Andrea's experiences since 2016 have shaped her connection to intuition and learn valuable insights on following your heart's calling. Join the conversation on embracing intuition and letting go of control in this insightful episode.


[00:03:25] Journey towards listening to intuition.

[00:06:25] Following intuition and healing.

[00:08:40] Trusting and following intuition.

[00:15:32] Gut instinct vs. intuition.

[00:17:55] Intuition and decision-making.

[00:20:44] Tapping into feminine energy.

[00:28:13] Panning for gold.

[00:29:03] Purging emotional baggage.

[00:35:42] Childhood conditioning and emotions.

[00:37:07] Training ourselves in new perspectives.

[00:42:22] Cultivating relationship to intuition.

[00:45:36] A nonlinear path.

About Andrea: Heart Math Certified Trainer, co creator of Mentorship through Menopause Call, a place for women to connect through conversation, Yoga teacher specifically guiding Yoga Nidra.. Passionalte about personal growth, health and wellness.  Loves to explore the forest barefoot and embraces cold plunging. She's on this path dancing between learning ,unlearning, remembering and participating with life. To connect with Andrea email

To view the full show notes visit



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29 August 2024

Redefining Leadership For Women

In this episode, I delve into the concept of leadership and what it truly means to be a leader. This topic was inspired by a recent conversation with a client who was grappling with the traditional, often patriarchal, notions of leadership. Many of us have a stereotypical image of a leader as an assertive, authoritative figure, often embodied by a white male CEO in a power suit. This can make those of us who don't fit that mold feel inadequate or pressured to be someone we're not.

I shared personal stories to illustrate the difference between forcing oneself into a leadership role versus naturally embodying leadership qualities. In high school, I aggressively pursued the role of soccer team captain, which led to a less authentic and more competitive approach. In contrast, years later, I was unexpectedly voted for a Leadership and Entrepreneurship Award in chiropractic school, a recognition that came naturally without me striving for it.

The key takeaway is that true leadership comes from being authentic and connected to our inner strengths and genius. It's about showing up as our true selves rather than conforming to external expectations of what a leader should be. I encourage listeners to reflect on their own leadership roles and identify where they might be forcing themselves to fit a certain image, and instead, find ways to lead authentically.

I also introduced the Women's Leadership Lab, a new initiative launching in September. This hybrid between a mastermind and a membership aims to help women discover and embrace their authentic leadership styles. For more details, listeners can visit

I hope this episode inspires you to rethink your approach to leadership and find ease in being your true self in any leadership role you undertake. Join me next week for more insights and a special announcement for our podcast listeners.


00:00:13 - Traditional Perceptions of Leadership

00:00:35 - Resisting Traditional Leadership Roles

00:00:55 - Redefining Leadership

00:01:07 - Stereotypical Leadership Image

00:01:28 - Authentic Leadership vs. Forced Leadership

00:01:39 - Personal Reflection on Leadership

00:01:59 - Everyone as a Leader

00:02:10 - High School Soccer Captain Experience

00:02:42 - Reflecting on Forced Leadership

00:03:04 - Authentic Leadership in Chiropractic School

00:03:25 - Unexpected Leadership Recognition

00:03:57 - Natural Leadership vs. Forced Leadership

00:04:18 - Bridging Authenticity and Leadership

00:04:50 - Self-Reflection on Leadership Roles

00:05:11 - Women and Leadership Challenges

00:05:31 - Definition of True Leadership

00:05:53 - Inner Strengths and Authentic Leadership

00:06:24 - Authentic Leadership in Practice

00:06:46 - Self-Examination of Leadership

00:07:07 - Personal Leadership Challenges

00:07:28 - Owning Your Leadership Style

To learn more about the Women's Leadership Lab mentioned in this episode visit



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20 August 2024

Healing Hidden Hurts...

In this episode, I delve into the importance of tuning into our emotions and connecting with our hearts. I share my personal journey of realizing how disconnected I was from my feelings and how this disconnection manifested as anxiety and physical symptoms like heartburn. I discuss my recent commitment to a 30-day challenge inspired by HeartMath research, where I spend 30 minutes each day focusing on my emotional landscape.

Throughout the episode, I reflect on my childhood experiences that led me to intellectualize rather than feel my emotions. I talk about the various coping mechanisms I developed, such as overachieving and avoiding conflict, and how these have shaped my adult life. By intentionally connecting with my heart and emotions, I've started to uncover deep-seated habits and childhood wounds.

I encourage listeners to join me in this 30-day challenge, suggesting practical steps like reading a list of emotions daily and paying attention to bodily sensations. I emphasize that connecting with our hearts is a muscle that needs to be developed and that doing so can lead to profound changes in our stress levels, relationships, and overall well-being.

I invite listeners to reach out and share their experiences as we support each other in this journey of emotional exploration and heart connection.

Key Timestamps

00:00:35 - Heart's Role in Emotions

00:00:55 - Childhood Lessons on Emotions

00:01:15 - Intellectualizing Emotions

00:01:46 - Anxiety and Physical Symptoms

00:02:08 - Coping Mechanisms

00:02:30 - Awareness and Emotional Work

00:04:29 - Benefits of Emotional Awareness

00:05:02 - Personal Commitment to 30-Day Challenge

00:05:33 - Techniques for Emotional Connection

00:06:05 - Discovering Inner Warrior

00:06:27 - Childhood Coping Mechanisms

00:07:09 - Overachieving and Proving Worth

00:08:01 - Peacemaker and Conflict Avoidance

00:08:46 - Nurturing the Inner Child

00:09:28 - Befriending Inner Parts

00:10:00 - Developing a Relationship with Emotions

00:11:04 - Daily Emotional Check-In

00:12:06 - Heart Connection and Intuition

00:12:48 - Relationship to Money

Inspired to join me on a 30 day challenge of connecting to your emotions everyday? There's nothing official for this. Let's just encourage each other. Connect with me in one of the options below and let me know you're taking it on with me!

With love,


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08 August 2024

Unlock Freedom from Guilt, Shame, and Blame...

Today's episode delves into the concept of emotional vanity, exploring how it relates to our sense of self and true essence. Dr. Alex discusses the idea of over-identity with our perceived worth and the impact of societal influences on our self-perception. By connecting to the heart, we can cut through these false identities. The focus shifts to desire vanity, a form of emotional vanity that affects how we seek approval and communicate. This thought-provoking discussion prompts deep introspection and personal growth.

00:00:23 - Understanding Emotional Vanity

00:00:55 - The Core Self vs. Shell Identities

00:01:17 - Connecting to the Heart

00:01:29 - Introduction to Desire Vanity

00:02:00 - The Role of Desire in Our Lives

00:02:31 - Consumerism and Ego Identities

00:03:03 - Entitlement Vanity and Its Consequences

00:03:14 - Balancing Desires with Heart's Intuition

00:03:56 - Personal Reflections on Desire Vanity

00:05:00 - Anxiety and Physical Manifestations

00:06:06 - Setting Up a New Office Space

00:06:47 - Heart's Desire vs. Societal Expectations

00:07:29 - Reflections on Past Business and Burnout

00:08:00 - Emotional Impact of Business Failure

00:08:42 - Reading from Overcoming Emotional Chaos

00:09:06 - Hurt and Desire Vanity

00:10:00 - Heart's Intelligence and Connection to God

00:10:54 - Ego Hurt and Healing

00:12:18 - Vanity and Emotional Pain

00:13:01 - Guilt, Regret, and Moving Forward

00:14:14 - Personal Journey of Guilt and Shame

00:15:06 - Physical Manifestations of Emotional Pain

00:16:17 - Compassion as a Key to Healing

00:17:10 - Self-Compassion Practice

Download the Self Compassion Practice:



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01 August 2024

Finding Balance: Nurturing Mind, Body, and Soul with Catalina Milan

Exploring the transition from physical to emotional healing, hosts Alex and guest Catalina Milan share their journeys of moving from traditional massage therapy to inner world work focused on the heart. Catalina emphasizes the importance of somatic healing and recognizing emotional pain in the body, while both guests highlight the power of working with the mind and heart. Join the conversation on leading and living from the heart in this insightful episode.


[00:03:16] HeartMath for personal resilience.

[00:06:27] Inner work and self-reliance.

[00:08:38] Learning to slow down.

[00:12:23] Physical manifestations of emotional pain.

[00:19:03] Digestive health and SIBO.

[00:20:23] Digestive issues and emotional trauma.

[00:26:53] Heart and gut connection.

[00:29:11] Accessing intuition for true health.

[00:31:49] Following your inner knowingness.

Connect with Catalina:

Connect with Alex:



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