Live & Lead With Heart

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Alexandra Swenson-Ridley

25 July 2024

10m 35s

Silence Your Inner Critic



Exploring the theme of feeling like an imposter and not truly believing in oneself, this episode delves into the disconnect between how we present ourselves to the world and how we feel internally. Dr. Alex shares a personal epiphany about never feeling "enough" and the impact it has had on her achievements. Listeners are encouraged to reflect on what truly drives them and consider the role of self-belief in their accomplishments.

00:00:30 - Feeling Like an Imposter

00:01:02 - Epiphany on Self-Worth

00:01:22 - Achievements Driven by Lack

00:02:03 - Cyclical Self-Doubt

00:02:35 - Starting a New Business

00:03:06 - Core Belief of Not Being Enough

00:03:27 - Self-Sabotage Patterns

00:03:48 - Upper Limit Problem

00:03:59 - Attitude Breathing Technique

00:04:20 - Breathing Confidence

00:04:52 - Soccer Memory for Confidence

00:06:06 - Finding Your Confidence Memory

00:07:00 - Rebuilding Neural Pathways

00:07:32 - Aligning Inner and Outer Self

00:07:53 - Resources and Conclusion

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