Live & Lead With Heart

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Alexandra Swenson-Ridley

18 July 2024

12m 50s

Illness? Or a Self Sabotage to Growth?



In this episode of Live and Lead with Heart, Dr. Alex delves into the impactful book "The Big Leap" by Gay Hendricks. We explore the concept of an upper limit problem and how our subconscious minds can hinder us from breaking through to our full potential. Dr. Alex shares insights on integrating heart-centered approaches to personal growth and highlights the book's discussion on illness or accidents as a pattern to pay attention to. Tune in to learn how to overcome self-imposed limits and embrace transformative change.

00:00:23 - The Concept of Upper Limit Problem

00:00:54 - Integrating Heart into Personal Growth

00:01:25 - Illness and Accidents as Subconscious Barriers

00:02:09 - Personal Experience with Illness

00:03:33 - Reflecting on the Cause of Illness

00:04:14 - Processing Deep Emotions

00:04:45 - Physical Reactions to Emotional Stress

00:05:07 - Awareness of Avoidance Patterns

00:05:39 - Heart-Focused Breathing Technique

00:06:10 - Achieving Coherence for Better Decision Making

00:06:42 - Recognizing Patterns of Self-Sabotage

00:07:14 - Overcoming Anxiety and Fear of Change

00:07:57 - Taking Action Despite Fear

00:08:28 - Connecting with Your Heart for Guidance

00:09:10 - Practical Steps to Avoid Self-Sabotage

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