Live & Lead With Heart

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Alexandra Swenson-Ridley

08 August 2024

19m 49s

Unlock Freedom from Guilt, Shame, and Blame...



Today's episode delves into the concept of emotional vanity, exploring how it relates to our sense of self and true essence. Dr. Alex discusses the idea of over-identity with our perceived worth and the impact of societal influences on our self-perception. By connecting to the heart, we can cut through these false identities. The focus shifts to desire vanity, a form of emotional vanity that affects how we seek approval and communicate. This thought-provoking discussion prompts deep introspection and personal growth.

00:00:23 - Understanding Emotional Vanity

00:00:55 - The Core Self vs. Shell Identities

00:01:17 - Connecting to the Heart

00:01:29 - Introduction to Desire Vanity

00:02:00 - The Role of Desire in Our Lives

00:02:31 - Consumerism and Ego Identities

00:03:03 - Entitlement Vanity and Its Consequences

00:03:14 - Balancing Desires with Heart's Intuition

00:03:56 - Personal Reflections on Desire Vanity

00:05:00 - Anxiety and Physical Manifestations

00:06:06 - Setting Up a New Office Space

00:06:47 - Heart's Desire vs. Societal Expectations

00:07:29 - Reflections on Past Business and Burnout

00:08:00 - Emotional Impact of Business Failure

00:08:42 - Reading from Overcoming Emotional Chaos

00:09:06 - Hurt and Desire Vanity

00:10:00 - Heart's Intelligence and Connection to God

00:10:54 - Ego Hurt and Healing

00:12:18 - Vanity and Emotional Pain

00:13:01 - Guilt, Regret, and Moving Forward

00:14:14 - Personal Journey of Guilt and Shame

00:15:06 - Physical Manifestations of Emotional Pain

00:16:17 - Compassion as a Key to Healing

00:17:10 - Self-Compassion Practice

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