Live & Lead With Heart

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Alexandra Swenson-Ridley

01 August 2024

36m 11s

Finding Balance: Nurturing Mind, Body, and Soul with Catalina Milan



Exploring the transition from physical to emotional healing, hosts Alex and guest Catalina Milan share their journeys of moving from traditional massage therapy to inner world work focused on the heart. Catalina emphasizes the importance of somatic healing and recognizing emotional pain in the body, while both guests highlight the power of working with the mind and heart. Join the conversation on leading and living from the heart in this insightful episode.


[00:03:16] HeartMath for personal resilience.

[00:06:27] Inner work and self-reliance.

[00:08:38] Learning to slow down.

[00:12:23] Physical manifestations of emotional pain.

[00:19:03] Digestive health and SIBO.

[00:20:23] Digestive issues and emotional trauma.

[00:26:53] Heart and gut connection.

[00:29:11] Accessing intuition for true health.

[00:31:49] Following your inner knowingness.

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