Live & Lead With Heart

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Alexandra Swenson-Ridley

29 August 2024

12m 5s

Redefining Leadership For Women



In this episode, I delve into the concept of leadership and what it truly means to be a leader. This topic was inspired by a recent conversation with a client who was grappling with the traditional, often patriarchal, notions of leadership. Many of us have a stereotypical image of a leader as an assertive, authoritative figure, often embodied by a white male CEO in a power suit. This can make those of us who don't fit that mold feel inadequate or pressured to be someone we're not.

I shared personal stories to illustrate the difference between forcing oneself into a leadership role versus naturally embodying leadership qualities. In high school, I aggressively pursued the role of soccer team captain, which led to a less authentic and more competitive approach. In contrast, years later, I was unexpectedly voted for a Leadership and Entrepreneurship Award in chiropractic school, a recognition that came naturally without me striving for it.

The key takeaway is that true leadership comes from being authentic and connected to our inner strengths and genius. It's about showing up as our true selves rather than conforming to external expectations of what a leader should be. I encourage listeners to reflect on their own leadership roles and identify where they might be forcing themselves to fit a certain image, and instead, find ways to lead authentically.

I also introduced the Women's Leadership Lab, a new initiative launching in September. This hybrid between a mastermind and a membership aims to help women discover and embrace their authentic leadership styles. For more details, listeners can visit

I hope this episode inspires you to rethink your approach to leadership and find ease in being your true self in any leadership role you undertake. Join me next week for more insights and a special announcement for our podcast listeners.


00:00:13 - Traditional Perceptions of Leadership

00:00:35 - Resisting Traditional Leadership Roles

00:00:55 - Redefining Leadership

00:01:07 - Stereotypical Leadership Image

00:01:28 - Authentic Leadership vs. Forced Leadership

00:01:39 - Personal Reflection on Leadership

00:01:59 - Everyone as a Leader

00:02:10 - High School Soccer Captain Experience

00:02:42 - Reflecting on Forced Leadership

00:03:04 - Authentic Leadership in Chiropractic School

00:03:25 - Unexpected Leadership Recognition

00:03:57 - Natural Leadership vs. Forced Leadership

00:04:18 - Bridging Authenticity and Leadership

00:04:50 - Self-Reflection on Leadership Roles

00:05:11 - Women and Leadership Challenges

00:05:31 - Definition of True Leadership

00:05:53 - Inner Strengths and Authentic Leadership

00:06:24 - Authentic Leadership in Practice

00:06:46 - Self-Examination of Leadership

00:07:07 - Personal Leadership Challenges

00:07:28 - Owning Your Leadership Style

To learn more about the Women's Leadership Lab mentioned in this episode visit

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